Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in H:\UPUPW\vhosts\violinwatch.com\phpcms\libs\classes\form.class.php on line 177 Floreno,Joannes Guidantus-Violin-ca.1750 - Maker 作品 - Violinwatch 琴藝網
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Type of instrument:Violin
Length of body: -
Width of upper body: -
Width of waist: -
Width of lower body: -
Work's Origin: -
Estimates: - .RMB

Estimated Price: £20,000 - £30,000

Description: A Fine Italian Violin by Joannes Florenus Guidantus, Bologna circa 1750
Bearing a facsimile label: Joannes Florenus Guidantus fecit Bononiae anno 1737
Length of back: 14 1/16ins, 357mm
A dendrochronology report is available to purchase from Peter Ratcliff. Initial readings indicate that the treble side dates from 1746, and the bass side from 1742. The wood matches with other Italian instruments, including those by Del Gesu, Deconet, Bergonzi Tononi, Gagliano, and Santo Serafin.

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