Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in H:\UPUPW\vhosts\violinwatch.com\phpcms\libs\classes\form.class.php on line 177 Betts,John-Cello-ca.1800 - Maker 作品 - Violinwatch 琴藝網
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Type of instrument:Cello
Country:United Kingdom
Length of body: -
Width of upper body: -
Width of waist: -
Width of lower body: -
Work's Origin: -
Estimates: - .RMB

Estimated Price: £18,000 - £25,000

Description: Property of a Lady
A Fine English Cello by John Betts, London circa 1800
Labelled: John Betts real musical instrument maker at the violin and German flute No. 2 under the north piazza of the Royal Exchange made in the noted manner violins the pattern of Antonius Stradivarius Hieronimous Amati, Jacobus Steiner and Tyrols ...tenors, Vuillaume cellos, pentachords, &&...

Branded on the upper back: Betts Royal Exchange London. Length of back: 29ins, 736mm. Sold with the certificate of Hart & Son, London 1927

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