Type of instrument: | Violin |
Maker: | |
Country: | Italy |
City: | Cremona |
Year: | 1998 |
Length of body: | 356 CM |
Width of upper body: | 168 CM |
Width of waist: | 115 CM |
Width of lower body: | 206 CM |
Work's Origin: | - |
Estimates: | 35000 - 40000 .USD |
Description: | 此把琴为作者最后完成的作品,绝响作品非常珍贵,从未流通于市面~ |
AtCremonaworks more
Guarneri,Giuseppe Giovanni Battista (filius Andrea)
(1666 - 1739)Cremona
Works category:Violin
Works age:1720c
Amati,Girolamo (II) Hieronymus II
(1649 - 1740)Cremona (till 1697, and again from 1715), Piacenza (from 1697 till about 1715)
Works category:Violin
Works age:1691