Born 1687. Died 1737. Son of Mathias. Worked at Mittenwald. Medium arching showing a slight divergence from the usual Tyrolese manner, but without absolutely disregarding the foundation doctrines of Stainer. Pattern of larger build than that of an Aegidius and some broader than that of a Sebastian, others occasionally under normal proportions. Every intelligent and candid violinist will recognise the undoubted neatness in workmanship. Everything set forth with due regard to the complementary parts of the model, all carefully done and well considered, everything beautifully accurate. The spirit varnish, however, is extremely bad, being thin and brittle, and as it is laid on a coat of size, cannot penetrate the wood, thus rendering it opaque and perishable. Also varies in colour, sometimes red brown, but more frequently yellow brown. Wood often worm-eaten. Used Tyrolese timber (an excellent wood), but he had the faulty habit of having the trees cut at the wrong season, or perhaps he purchased wood (through ignorance), that had been cut at the wrong time of the year, and the natural consequence follows that much of it having been taken when full of sap, must sooner or later become worm-eaten, especially so in the case of the maple used for the back and ribs. Several of this family had a partiality for lion-heads. Georg perhaps excelled the other members in this particular department. The cutting of an ordinary scroll was generally their weakest handling. Good tone of its kind, but not so sweet as its age would lead us to believe. £25 (1925). One other little matter, the wood used for backs is invariably of plainer figure than that seen in the other Klotz violins. £90, 1959.
George Kloz in Mitten
vvald an der Iser. 1737
(decorative border, sloped lettering)
Giorgio Kloz in
Mittenwald an der Iser. 1736
Aegegeorgius Kloz, Mea
gregoriu Manu fecit in
Mittenwald Ao. 1724
Born 1687. Died 1737. Son of Mathias. Worked at Mittenwald. Medium arching showing a slight divergence from the usual Tyrolese manner, but without absolutely disregarding the foundation doctrines of Stainer. Pattern of larger build than that of an Aegidius and some broader than that of a Sebastian, others occasionally under normal proportions. Every intelligent and candid violinist will recognise the undoubted neatness in workmanship. Everything set forth w...