Country/City:Italy/CremonaeditBirth:1962-11-27edit-editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:CremonaeditTeacher: Giorgio,Scolari
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1Photos in total Detail Introduction
He was born in Cremona in 1962. From 1978 to 1982, he attended the International Violinmaking School of Cremona, when he obtained his diploma under the guidance of Master GioBatta Morassi. Very important for his artistic development was his relationship with master Giorgio Scolari. He has taken part at several competitions getting good placement, expecially at the Triennale of Cremona in 1989 and in 1992. Since 1986, he has worked in his workshop loc... Shops |
created at 2010-01-19 14:01:12
by winson
updated at 2013-03-15 09:58:43
by winson