Also known as “deaf Nicolas”. Born at Mirecourt, 1757. Died there 1833. Violins of good workmanship though not particularly well finished. Attempted to give his instruments a certain personality which is very conspicuous if not altogether admirable. Large modelling, rather forbidding in breadth, with arching slightly more elevated (and less graceful) than the Stradivarian. Over-done substantiality from which we cannot anticipate getting real beauty of tone. This tone, as a matter of fact, is altogether monotonous, certainly large and loud enough, but generally coarse and unpleasant, and without the slightest sympathy. Orchestral players often try to get a good specimen. Excellent margins, purfling likewise good, edges slightly raised, lending character to the contour. Somewhat puzzling sound-holes, being noticeably wide at the middle, and the wings cut off almost horizontally. Originality has its good points, but only when any peculiar idiosyncracy preserves artistic grace - and here, we think, Nicolas signally failed. Much more sensible judgment shown in the shades of varnish - a red brown tinged with yellow, brownish-yellow without brilliancy or transparency, and an especially good looking red. Some instruments labelled as by Nicolas Gagliano. Catalogued at £35 although £60 has been given. Also violas, body length, 15-1/4 inches. Branded (where label is usually placed).
A la Ville de Crémonne
D + N
D. Nicolas ainé
Also signed with pen and ink, near the sound-post: “D. Nicolas. ainé à Mirecourt”. Notice the two n’s in Crémonne.
The above description applies to the instruments made entirely by himself previous to year 1810. After gaining marked popularity and Exhibition awards, he developed a large trading concern, which, at the time of his death, needed 500 apprentices, pupils, workmen. etc., to cope with the demand. These instruments, though of similar modelling, are not in the same category as the former. Powerful tone but altogether hard. Varnish also often dull and cold looking, various shades from light yellow to dark brown. Branded with the triangular design. This noted trade mark was bought and traded upon by Derazey which later became the sole rights of Laberte and Magnié at Mirecourt who today build hundreds of violins bearing the name Didier Nicolas ainé and exactly reproduce all the well-known characteristics of the original.