Son and pupil of Paolo. Worked at Milan, 1670-1735. Made many excellent instruments, quite possibly surpassing (in a few instances) those of father. Early dated instruments follow the Amati outline with medium arching. straightish sound-holes, and of slightly broader build than the early work of Paolo. Usually widish but straight grain wood of good quality, well chosen acoustically, and plentifully used. Handsomely figured material for backs. Very smooth varnish, sometimes red-brown or golden, but more often a very pale yellow, not of the finest quality. Moderately penetrating tone of a rather liquid and velvety quality. Later violins somewhat depart from the Amatese features of earlier ones. This mature period dates from about 1709. Arching slightly reduced, Sound-holes more bold than previous efforts. Workmanship on the whole, has splendid individuality, but is never superlatively refined. Yellow brown varnish, sometimes having an attractive orange tint. Tone often rather powerful and penetrating, but occasionally somewhat nasal, but there is an absence of that ideal quality associated with Italian fiddles. Violas and ’cellos mostly after the large flat pattern.
Gio. Grancino al Segno della Corona
in Contrada larga di Milano, fece 1699
Giovanni Grancino in Contrada
largha di Milano al segno
della Corona 1721
Sometimes christian name given as Giovan.
Joannes Grancino fecit
Mediolani an 1697
Son and pupil of Paolo. Worked at Milan, 1670-1735. Made many excellent instruments, quite possibly surpassing (in a few instances) those of father. Early dated instruments follow the Amati outline with medium arching. straightish sound-holes, and of slightly broader build than the early work of Paolo. Usually widish but straight grain wood of good quality, well chosen acoustically, and plentifully used. Handsomely figured material for backs. Very smooth v...