Country/City:Italy/MonzaeditBirth:1965-11-21edit-editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:CremonaeditTeacher: Giorgio,Scolari
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3Photos in total Detail Introduction
Marcello Villa was born in Monza on the 21st March 1965, presently living and working in Cremona. He began studying the violin when he was twelve later enrolling in the International School of Violinmaking in Cremona. He obtained his diploma in 1983 under the guidance of masters Giorgio Scolari and Stefano Conia. He obtained the highest possible results in his final year receiving a scholarship of special merits from the Walter Stauffer Foundation. W... Shops |
created at 2010-01-19 14:01:05
by winson
updated at 2013-07-08 16:36:56
by winson