Country/City:Italy/FerraraeditBirth:1774edit - died:1841editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:FerraraeditFather:Marconcini,Luigi Aloisio
Auction price
Detail Introduction
Born 1774. Son of Luigi Aloisio. Studied with Storioni. Settled at Ferrara. Died 1841. Workmanship varies considerably, but many of his instruments may be placed on a level with those of his teacher. These, slightly arched and of Amatese-Strad pattern, will become (the farther time wings its flight from the age in which he lived) more and more honoured and valued for their splendid tone. Belly wood often wide grained, two-piece back of very straight flame, body length 35.5 cm. Covered with a brilliant red or golden brown varnish. One example (dated 1830) realised 500 dollars in America, 1920. £350, 1960. ShopsDiscussion board forMarconcini,Giuseppe |
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