Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in H:\UPUPW\vhosts\violinwatch.com\phpcms\libs\classes\form.class.php on line 177 Dobner,Michele - maker - Violinwatch 琴藝網
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  • Dobner,Michele

Dobner,Michele(1967 - )
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Maker Type:Luthiersedit


Teacher: Primon,Luca Negri,Gabriele

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2Photos in total

Detail Introduction

He was born in Vicenza, in 1967. At very young age, he started dedicating himself into classical music and fine arts at school. In 1990 he graduated at the "Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano" under the guide of teachers such as L. Primon and G. Negri. With the precious collaboration of some musicians, he could better know the forms and the models of the most important violinmakers who have lived in Milan in the early 20th century, such as G....


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Dobner,Michele 族谱 [查看大图]

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