Country/City:Italy/CremonaeditBirth:1971-04-08edit-editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:CremonaeditTeacher: Giorgio,Scolari
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1Photos in total Detail Introduction
He was born in Cremona on April 8th 1971, he attended the International Violinmaking School in Cremona, under the guide of Master Giorgio Scolari, getting the degree in 1991. Very important for his professional training were the years immediately after his diploma, because he spent much time in the Scolari brothers' workshop improving his technique and his style. Since 1996 he is working in his workshop with Master and colleague Massimo Ardoli. He is inspired both by the classical cremonese models and by the contemporary ones. From 2001 he is workshop teacher at the International Violinmaking School of Cremona.He also repaires and builds acoustical and electrical guitars Shops |
created at 2010-03-12 14:51:59
by winson
updated at 2011-07-09 10:44:54
by winson