I was born in Milan on November 2, 1956.
While still a child, I became interested in classical music, especially chamber music, stimulated by my father, an amateur violinist.
At the age of 11, I began studying the cello with Prof. Vittorio Basevi.
In 1975 I was awarded the Maturit� Scientifica school-leaving diploma as a student at the 8th Liceo Scientifico in Milan.
Following a year of national service as an auxiliary fireman, I began my apprenticeship in the Milan workshop of the master violinmaker Celestino Farotto in 1979.
I left my university studies to enrol in the Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria (IPIALL, the International School of Violinmaking) in Cremona and in the Professional Training Courses (CPF) of the Lombardy Region; the latter courses were directed by the master bowmaker Giovanni Lucchi in Cremona.
After receiving my diploma as a BOWMAKER in 1982, I stayed on for an additional year of post-graduate training under Maestro Lucchi.
In June 1983 I opened my own workshop in Milan, in Via Alessandro Volta, 10.
I have participated in numerous violinmaking events including: the 5th "Triennale di Liuteria" - bowmaking section (Cremona 1988); the first "Costruttori di musica" exhibition of musical instruments (Rome 1994); "Cremona Mondomusica", the international Salon of musical instruments and stringed-instrument accessories (1995, 1998...); the display of musical instruments forming part of the art show "Evaristo Baschenis e la natura morta in Europa" (Bergamo, 1996-97), for which I also contributed an essay to the catalogue; exhibitions in Tokyo and the Milan Trade Fair in the stands of the ALI, the association of Italian violinmakers; etc.
A curious detail: in 1993 I made the bow for the Octobasse built by the violinmaker Pierre Bohr for the bass player Nicola Moneta. Both the bow and the instrument, copies of the 19th-century originals in Paris, were used in performance at the great exhibition devoted to the violinmaker Vuillaume at the Cit� de la Musique in the French capital.
As a result, this odd and gigantic instrument was rediscovered by both the public and writers on music, arousing lively interest.
Since 1997 I have been a teacher at the Civica scuola di Liuteria in Milan, where I direct the Course of Bow Repairing and Maintenance. My bows are exposed in my stand at Cremona Mondomusica.
I am a member of the ALI (Associazione Liutaria Italiana) - gruppo Liutai e Archettai Professionisti. I make and restore Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and modern bows for every type of bowed instrument. My bows are marked "P. CAVALAZZI - MILANO".