Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in H:\UPUPW\vhosts\violinwatch.com\phpcms\libs\classes\form.class.php on line 177 Bernardel,Leon - maker - Violinwatch 琴藝網
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  • Bernardel,Leon

Bernardel,Leon(1853 - )
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Maker Type:Bothedit


Father:Bernardel,Ernest Auguste

Teacher: Bernardel,Ernest Auguste

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Detail Introduction

Born at Paris, 1853. Son and pupil of Ernest Auguste. Worked with Derazey, and with Gand. Founded own establishment, 1899. Decorated officer of the French Academy, 1900. One of the directors of Couesnon and Co. (large exporters of musical merchandise) Paris, 1914. Perfect modelling, outline, scroll, and sound-holes, all following the design known as the Lupot-Strad. Splendid oil varnish somewhat similar in texture and colour (red) to that associated with...


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Bernardel,Leon 族谱 [查看大图]

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