In his childhood the young Genuzio CARLETTI worked with his uncle Carlo, a former cabinet maker, who had started to build violins after the influence of Raffaele FIORINI and his pupils from Bologna who introduced the art of violin making in Pieve di Cento. Around 1930, CARLETTI opened his own workshop in Pieve di Cento, Via Melloni, and quickly developed a signature style.
In 1956/57, CARLETTI moved to Cento where he remained throughout his professional life. In 1949, he won first prize for a viola at the Cremona International Competition. It is around this same time that CARLETTI began a collaboration with the Center of Violin Making of New York for the exclusive distribution of his instruments in the United States. The director of the Center was Joseph SETTIN, a well-known Italian-American dealer and violin maker. This collaboration lasted until SETTIN death in 1970.
From 1970 onward Genuzio turned his work toward a clientele of Italian and European musicians, continuing his activity until the age of eighty-eight.
Aside from his first prize awarded him in Cremona in 1949, Genuzio CARLETTI has won prizes in renown competitions held in Bagnacavallo, Ascoli Piceno, and Lixe.
In his childhood the young Genuzio CARLETTI worked with his uncle Carlo, a former cabinet maker, who had started to build violins after the influence of Raffaele FIORINI and his pupils from Bologna who introduced the art of violin making in Pieve di Cento. Around 1930, CARLETTI opened his own workshop in Pieve di Cento, Via Melloni, and quickly developed a signature style.
In 1956/57, CARLETTI moved to Cento where he remained throughout his professio...