Known as Aegidius Sebastian. Born 1733. Died 1805. Son of Sebastian. Worked at Mittenwald. Copied the mannerisms of Aegidius (1) in every detail to such a marvellous degree that no real difference has ever becn detected by experts in their critical scrutiny. So much so that until about 1880 it had been universally understood that there was only one Aegidius, which of course in its turn, brought about considerable controversy over the wide interval of the first and last dated, and the only conclusion to arrive at was to accept the fact that many labels must have been forgeries. But Baader in his “Chronik des Marktes Mittenwald” proved there were two of the name of Aegidius. Instruments of (2), generally not so valuable as (1). Many of them being of Stainer modelling have been labelled as such, and sold as Stainers for fancy prices. Dark red brown varnish not always of the best quality. Sound-holes sometimes unusually pretty for Tyrolese work. Scroll often long and not particularly artistic. Invariably nicely figured material. Sometimes the arching of front is stronger and more pronounced than that of back. Adopted the Amati model at a later period, specimens much advanced in design and workmanship. Excellently carved scroll, quite Amatese, very beautifully marked backs, varnish of soft lustrous orange shade, tonal quality of peculiar sweetness and sympathy. One splendid example, dated 1791, secured the remarkable sum of 600 dollars in the U.S.A., 1920. Produced a few ’cellos of quite good proportions and tone. Edges frequently inlaid with ebony and ivory to half the thickness of the table, and about a quarter of an inch wide. Fingerboard and tailpiece inlaid in the same manner, also the peg box as far as the turn of the head. Quite a curiosity.
Known as Aegidius Sebastian. Born 1733. Died 1805. Son of Sebastian. Worked at Mittenwald. Copied the mannerisms of Aegidius (1) in every detail to such a marvellous degree that no real difference has ever becn detected by experts in their critical scrutiny. So much so that until about 1880 it had been universally understood that there was only one Aegidius, which of course in its turn, brought about considerable controversy over the wide interval of...