Country/City:Italy/CremonaeditBirth:1963-08-29edit-editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:CremonaeditTeacher: Morassi,Gio Batta
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2Photos in total Detail Introduction
Fabrizio Portanti, violin-maker from Cremona He makes violins, violas and cellos following classical cremonese violin-making tradition. He paid particular attention to sound quality of his instruments and he is using special varnishes of his own making . Born on 29 August 1963. Graduated from the International School of Violin-making in Cremona in 1981. For five years he was perfecting his instrument-making skills under the supervision of Gio Batta Mora... Shops |
created at 2010-03-12 18:55:52
by winson
updated at 2014-02-28 11:34:53
by winson