Country/City:Italy/CremonaeditBirth:1966-06-13edit-editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:CremonaeditFather:Morassi,Gio BattaTeacher: Morassi,Gio Batta
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Born in Cremona on the 13th of March, 1966, as a child he was introduced to the world of artistic woodworking in his father's workshop, and to the study of music. He received his diploma at the International Violin Making School of Cremona in 1984 and that same year, as violist, passed the Fifth Year Exam at the Conservatory of Music of Udine. Morassi entered numerous international violin making competitions winning the First Prize and Gold Med... Shops |
created at 2010-03-12 18:55:52
by winson
updated at 2013-07-09 11:56:12
by winson
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