Gabriele Carletti was born in Pieve di Cento (in the Bologna province) on 14 of September 1948 and he is the last heir and continuer of the traditional violinmaking of the Carletti family which was founded by Carlo (1883-1941) and contiunued with his sons Natale (1904-1979), Orfeo (1906-1940), Nullo (1911-1978) and with his nephew Genuzio (1905-1996). Son and pupil of Natale, Gabriele Carletti was in the laboratory of his father, from a very young age, learning the art of violinmaking and cultivating, parallelly, complementary musical and cultural interestes for the activity of violin construction. In fact, he has studied music, violin and classical guitar to his profit, not to mention acoustics, physics, chemestry (he gained his diploma, in 1968, in Industrial Chemestry at State Industrial Technical Iinstitute "Niccolò Copernico" in Ferrara) and mathematics (he earned his degree, in 1973, in Mathematics at the University of Bologna).Gabriele Carletti works as a professional violinmaker and he is a member of the A.L.I. Association (vice president, from 1996, of the profressional violin and bow makers of the A.L.I. Association). He dedicated himself to the costruction and restoration of violins, violas and cellos. His work follows and develops the theretical and metodological lines of Bolognese trdition (of Raffaele Fiorini, Augusto Pollastri, Carlo Carletti, etc.). Gabriele Carletti has patecipated in many cultural and didactic exhibitions and, only few times, in important violinmaking competitions (Bagnacavallo 1976 and 1980 where he recived very important commendations). Gabriele Carletti has written numerous articles for violinmaking magazines and he is author of specialized pubblications including "Vernici in Liuteria" Ed. Zanibon, Padova 1985 and "Asnaldo Poggi, violinmaker" Ed. Aspasia, S. Giovanni in Persiceto (Bo) 1995. He has been teacher and consultant in the school years 1993-94 and 1994-95 in applied and theoretical classes of violin at the Civic School of Violinmaking in Milan and since 1996 Gabriele Carletti teaches classes of classical violinmaking at the regional center of Professional Training in Bisignano (in the Cosenza province).
Gabriele Carletti was born in Pieve di Cento (in the Bologna province) on 14 of September 1948 and he is the last heir and continuer of the traditional violinmaking of the Carletti family which was founded by Carlo (1883-1941) and contiunued with his sons Natale (1904-1979), Orfeo (1906-1940), Nullo (1911-1978) and with his nephew Genuzio (1905-1996). Son and pupil of Natale, Gabriele Carletti was in the laboratory of his father, from a very young ag...