Country/City:Portugal/Anta-EspinhoeditBirth:1932edit-editMaker Type:LuthierseditSchool:Anta-EspinhoeditFather:Capela,Domingos FerreiraTeacher: Sgarabotto,Pietro
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Detail Introduction
Antonio Capela (1932- ), born in Espinho, Portugal as the eldest son of Domingo Capela, a world renown violin maker and repairer. Antonio received a scholarship in 1961 while learning manual skills from his father, and went to work under the well known French lutier Etienne Vatelot. After a four month stay in Mirecourt, he studied at the International School of Violin Making in Cremona, under the guidance of Sgarabotto and Sacconi from 1964 to 1965.... Shops |
created at 2010-01-19 14:03:43
by winson
updated at 2013-02-22 15:21:05
by winson
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